2025 Lent Reflection

Being Part of God’s Family

Week 1, Friday: The Intimacy of “Our” – Being Part of God’s Family

Scripture: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven…’” (Matthew 6:9)

As we continue our Lenten journey, we pause today to reflect on a small but powerful word in the Lord’s Prayer: “Our.” This single word shifts the focus of our prayer from individual concerns to a communal faith. Jesus did not teach us to pray “My Father” but “Our Father,” drawing us into the profound truth that faith is not a solitary path but a shared pilgrimage.

The word “Our” emphasizes that we are part of a spiritual family that transcends boundaries of culture, language, and even time. In Christ, we are bound together with believers across the world and throughout history. This reality challenges the individualism that often pervades our spiritual lives. When we pray “Our Father,” we are reminded that our faith calls us to embrace others with the same love and grace that God has shown us.

This communal aspect of faith is a hallmark of the Anglican tradition, which values worship and prayer as a corporate experience. In gathering to pray and worship together, whether in a grand cathedral or a small parish church, we affirm that we are the Body of Christ—each part indispensable and beloved. Even our personal prayers, offered in solitude, connect us to the wider Church as we join our voices in the prayer that Jesus gave us.

However, this shared faith also comes with a challenge: to truly embrace others as family, even when it is uncomfortable or costly. The Church, as a community of forgiven sinners, is a place of grace but also a place that requires grace. Living out the “Our” in “Our Father” means bearing one another’s burdens, forgiving offenses, and seeking reconciliation. It means seeing the person sitting next to us—or those we struggle to love—as equally beloved by God.

During Lent, we are invited to examine our hearts for barriers that prevent us from embracing this spiritual family fully. Are there old wounds, prejudices, or fears that need healing? Are there relationships in our church or community that need mending?

The Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are not just personal exercises but also acts that unite us with others—especially those in need. As we fast, we remember those who hunger; as we give, we share in God’s generosity; as we pray, we join a chorus of voices seeking God’s kingdom.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the word “Our” in the Lord’s Prayer challenge your understanding of faith as a personal journey?
  2. Are there relationships within the church or your community that God is calling you to mend this Lent?
  3. In what ways can you live out the communal nature of faith more intentionally during this season?

Gracious Father, thank You for the gift of Your family, the Church. Help us to embrace one another with the same love that You have shown us. Heal our divisions, deepen our unity, and teach us to pray with hearts open to all Your children. As we journey through Lent, may we grow in love for You and for each other. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

2025 Lent News Reflection

Who is God as Father?

Week 1, Thursday: “Our Father in heaven” – Who is God as Father?

Scripture: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven…’” (Matthew 6:9)

In the opening words of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus invites us to address God as “Our Father in heaven.” This address is both profound and revolutionary, reshaping our understanding of who God is. Today, we are invited to contemplate what it truly means to call God “Father” and to reflect on the nature of this relationship.

To call God “Father” is to recognize His active, caring involvement in our lives. Unlike earthly fathers, who may fail or fall short, God’s fatherhood is marked by perfect love, wisdom, and faithfulness. In the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), Jesus paints a vivid picture of God as a Father who runs to meet His wayward child with open arms—without hesitation or condemnation. This image challenges us to reconsider any feelings of unworthiness or fear that might hinder our approach to God.

Moreover, when Jesus teaches us to pray “Our Father,” He is not only inviting us into an individual relationship but also into a shared family of faith. This communal aspect reminds us that our faith journey is not solitary. We are part of a larger body—the Church—called to support, forgive, and pray for one another. Recognizing God as “Our Father” compels us to see each other as brothers and sisters, breaking down barriers of division and isolation.

The phrase “in heaven” balances this intimacy with a sense of awe and reverence. God’s fatherly love does not diminish His majesty and sovereignty. Rather, it reassures us that the One who holds the universe also holds us. His perspective is eternal, His wisdom unsearchable. This heavenly nature of God’s fatherhood encourages us to trust Him fully, even when we cannot see the way forward.

As we journey through Lent, let us reflect on how we relate to God as Father. Are there areas where we struggle to trust His love and wisdom? Are there places where we resist His guidance or fail to embrace the fullness of being His children?

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways do you struggle to trust God as a loving Father?
  2. How can embracing the communal aspect of “Our Father” transform your relationships within the Church?
  3. What would it look like to live more confidently in the assurance of God’s fatherly care this Lent?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of being called Your children. Help us to trust Your love more fully and to live as part of Your family, extending grace and kindness to one another. As we continue this Lenten journey, deepen our understanding of Your fatherly care and teach us to rest in Your wisdom. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

2025 Lent News

Lenten Reflection, Ash Wednesday

Week 1, Ash Wednesday: Introduction to Lent and The Lord’s Prayer

Scripture: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…’” (Matthew 6:9)

Lent is upon us—a season set aside for reflection, repentance, and renewal. It invites us into a time of intentional focus on our spiritual lives, to look inward, and to take a hard but healing look at where we need to change. Ash Wednesday, the first day of this sacred journey, is particularly poignant. We begin this season by receiving ashes on our foreheads, reminding ourselves of our mortality. “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). These solemn words invite us into a space of humility, of repentance, and of recognizing that we are wholly dependent on God. The ashes serve not only as a symbol of our sinfulness but also as a profound sign of grace, for through them we acknowledge both our need for God’s mercy and the hope of renewal.

In this 40-day journey through Lent, we are invited to draw closer to God, to slow down and listen to Him, to seek His transformative presence. And as we begin, we turn to the prayer that Jesus gave us—the Lord’s Prayer—understanding that this prayer is not simply a set of words to recite, but a living guide for how to align our hearts with God’s will, how to approach Him in humility, and how to deepen our relationship with Him. Jesus, in teaching us this prayer, shows us the heart of God and how we are to relate to Him.

The opening words of this prayer are “Our Father in heaven.” These words carry profound significance, calling us into a deeply personal, intimate relationship with God. In calling God “Father,” Jesus redefines our understanding of God. The word Father is not meant to evoke fear or distance, but intimacy and trust. God is not distant, detached, or impersonal. Rather, He is our Father—near, loving, and ever-present.

This title—Father—also carries with it the notion of protection, provision, and care. Just as a father cares for and provides for his children, so God provides for us, sustains us, and nurtures us in ways we cannot fully comprehend. In calling God our Father, Jesus is offering us a glimpse of the relationship that we are invited into. It is a relationship grounded in love, one in which we can trust God to hear our prayers, to comfort us in our sorrow, to guide us in our decisions, and to embrace us as His children.

The word “Our” adds another layer of depth to these opening words. By using the plural “Our,” Jesus reminds us that this prayer is not only personal but communal. We are not isolated individuals praying to a distant deity; we are part of a global family, united in faith and grace. Prayer, in this sense, is a shared experience. It is a reminder that when we pray, we are not alone—our prayers are joined with those of our brothers and sisters across the world, and even with those who have gone before us. Our God is the Father of all believers, and we share in that divine family, bound together in faith and love.

As we receive the ashes today, we are also reminded that we are not just individuals but part of a collective body—the Church. This body, though broken and imperfect, is united in Christ, and together we seek His mercy and grace. The ashes on our foreheads point to our need for God’s forgiveness and our call to be part of the family of God, redeemed and renewed through Christ.

The act of repentance that we begin today sets the tone for the journey of transformation that lies ahead. But repentance is not just about acknowledging our sin—it is also about embracing the hope of redemption. Through Christ’s sacrifice, we are offered not only forgiveness but new life. The ashes are a mark of our humility, but they also point to the resurrection that is to come. They are a sign that through repentance, we can experience renewal and transformation, growing more into the image of Christ.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to call God “Father”? How does this shape your understanding of your relationship with Him, especially in times of struggle or joy?
  2. How can you embrace the communal nature of prayer during this Lenten season? What does it look like to pray not just for yourself but with and for the wider family of believers?
  3. In what ways do you need to return to God today, acknowledging your need for His mercy, and trusting in His grace to make you whole again?

Gracious Father, as we begin this Lenten journey, we draw near to You with humble hearts, recognizing our need for Your mercy and grace. Help us to approach You with the trust of beloved children, knowing that You are a Father who cares, who listens, and who heals. May this season of reflection deepen our relationship with You, and may we be transformed by Your love. Teach us to pray with sincerity, seek You with our whole hearts, and walk these 40 days in faith, hope, and trust. Amen.

2025 Lent News

A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer


Prayers for Renewal: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Tomorrow, as we begin the season of Lent, we invite you to embark on a journey of spiritual renewal through prayer. Join us for a special daily reflection series, “Prayers for Renewal: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer,” where we will explore the powerful words that Jesus taught His disciples.

Lent is a time for deepening our relationship with God, turning our hearts back to Him in repentance, and preparing for the celebration of Easter. In this series, we will walk through the Lord’s Prayer phrase by phrase, allowing each word to transform us and draw us closer to God.

What to Expect:

Daily Reflections
A Journey of Renewal: Each reflection will invite you to apply the prayer to your life, drawing on its deep spiritual truths to strengthen your faith.
A Heart of Prayer: As we pray together, we will discover the power of prayer to renew our hearts, transform our relationships, and deepen our trust in God.
Community Connection: Walk this Lenten journey with fellow believers, sharing insights and supporting one another as we pray for personal and collective renewal.

We look forward to walking this Lenten season with you!

Join us starting Ash Wednesday, 5 March 2025, and experience the transforming power of prayer.

(These will be shared as text and a voice note, here on the website.)

Gallery News Services

Confirmation Service

To run a Confirmation Preparation in the Parish of Tugela Rivers is quite a task as people are so widely spread out over the Parish. Two of the candidates, Noxolo and Thandolwethu live at Bell Park Dam, 27,5kms away from Winterton. Together with the only candidate from Winterton, Lettyshia, these girls had Saturday School each Saturday morning. Two of the boys, Nelson and Mofe, were busy at the Choir School, 31,5kms away from Winterton, and were exceptionally busy during the weeks and the weekends. The other boy, Jonah, studies at Glenwood School in Durban and our only adult candidate, the Principal of the Royal Drakensberg Primary School, Thobani, lives 68,5kms from Winterton. Only two of the candidates has access to the internet. It was also difficult to do classes after church on a Sunday, as some of the candidates worship at Bergville and others at Winterton. Some of the candidates travel to worship with parishoners and thus need to travel back home after worship is completed.

Gill Green, who  ran the Confirmation Preparation in 2023 and again this year, decided that the two people who had access to the internet should read the book “To be Confirmed” by Gavin Read and answer questions that she prepared, after every chapter. She decided that the only plausible way to train the other candidates was to organise an intensive two day course in the school holidays. This was duly done. Many thanks to Gill Parker for providing a venue for this two day Preparaton. A rehearsal and final training session was held for all the candidates on the afternoon of 1st February.

We are most grateful to Gill for her incredible effort in organising this training. She deserves a medal!!

Thank you to all the others for making the service such a memorable one. We especially thank Jean Elworthy for the stunning flowers. They were exceptionally beautiful. Thanks too to Meridith Barry and her helpers for the tea. Thank you to all who brought eats and cooldrinks for the tea. Thanks to the musicians who helped lead the incredible singing. Thank you to to Gill Parker for hosting Bishop and Mrs Ndwandwe and arranging accomdation for Mr Petrus, the Bishop’s driver. Thanks too to Caroline Beech for sewing two of the girl’s dresses.

Revd Canon John Green (8th February 2025)

From Revd Caroline Beech

Confirmation: A Renewal of Commitment

Confirmation is often seen as a rite of passage, a step forward in faith, and a moment of personal commitment to Christ. But at its heart, Confirmation is more than just an event—it is an invitation to live more fully into the grace we have already received.

For many, the journey of faith begins in infancy, marked by the waters of baptism and the promises made on our behalf. Confirmation is the moment when we take hold of those promises for ourselves, affirming our faith and receiving the strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is not a graduation from faith but a deepening of it—a commitment to grow, to serve, and to live as Christ’s own.

In the Anglican tradition, Confirmation is a sacramental act performed by a bishop, linking us to the wider Church and to the unbroken line of faith stretching back to the apostles. The laying on of hands and prayer for the Holy Spirit remind us that we do not walk this journey alone. We are part of a great communion of believers, supported by the prayers of the Church and empowered by God’s Spirit.

Yet, Confirmation is not just about that one moment at the altar. It is about what comes next. It is a call to take ownership of our discipleship, to seek out ways to grow in faith, and to live out our calling in the world. Whether young or old, those being confirmed step forward not with all the answers, but with a willing heart—a heart open to God’s transforming work.

For those of us who have been confirmed, it is good to reflect: How have we lived out our Confirmation vows? Have we continued to say “yes” to God’s call? Have we sought to deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church?

Perhaps today is a good day to renew our commitment, to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and to remember that God, who began a good work in us, will surely bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

May those who have been Confirmed be strengthened in faith, and may all of us remember that we are continually called to walk as children of the light. Amen.

From Revd Vanda Chittenden